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From Student To Master What Amber Riley Gained On Her TrueCoders JourneyAugust 15th, 2021

While we teach our students programming, our happiest days at TrueCoders are learning the stories of our students. The people who come to us for a jumpstart into the world of software development cover a wide spectrum of backgrounds, and we love learning where all of our students come from, and then where they go after graduating.

Fortunately, everyone can see just how interesting the journey for one of our students, Amber Riley, is, thanks to the great reporting over at Course Report.

Quality Control

At TrueCoders, we feel we do more than teach our students how to code. We help them transform their lives and we feel we helped Amber do the same.

“My TrueCoders teachers were super great. I could message my teacher with questions at any point after class. Students were able to set up appointments with the TAs every day if we wanted help with something. Everybody was supportive and helpful — I would never hesitate to reach out to anybody.”

Community Values

While TrueCoders is not the same as a college experience, we still think it's important to create connections between the students.

“My classmates and I communicated in our Discord channel,” Amber says. “We would hop on that and work on things together — not only projects but also our weekly assignments. We would pair up to do homework together, which was a lot of fun.”

Value After the Fact

We wouldn't be doing our jobs if we didn’t give our students the best bang for their buck, and Amber seems to agree that our after-course support was a great resource.

Our stellar reputation on that front is due to Denise Shines, our Director of Career Services. Denise helps students prepare for the kind of questions they might face in an interview as well as how to prepare the most effective resume and LinkedIn page.

She closes by stating that, “Denise is excellent at getting you motivated to do it yourself by giving you great suggestions and ideas along the way. One of the best things I did in the program was meeting up with Denise as frequently as possible.”

We Love the Journey and the Destination

Amber is now a Software Test Engineer with eFinancial. She specializes in looking at code, analyzing it for bugs, and coming up with solutions to squash them.

Her story is just one of the countless journeys we’ve been part of. You can learn more about Amber’s journey at Course Report.

In the end, TrueCoders’ goal is simple but powerful; we want to give our students a solid foundation of knowledge for a reasonable price, to do this on a flexible schedule, and to help our alumni for the rest of their lives with our support.

If you think you’d like to follow Amber’s path, don’t hesitate to reach out to us and find when the next TrueCoders classes begin.


Course Report


From Tech Support to Software Engineering

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