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From Medical to Medallia. A TrueCoders True StoryJuly 16th, 2021

You wouldn’t think that the medical field would be a springboard into the world of coding. And… you’d be right.

When Hampton Rodgers found the medical field was not for him, he found himself in this situation, completely at a loss on how to even get his foot through the coding door.

But thanks to a decision to give TrueCoders a try, he blasted those doors wide open.

When Hampton first heard about TrueCoders through a friend, he was employed as an occupational therapist’s assistant in a nursing home. He didn’t know the first thing about coding, or even that it could be an option for him, given his skill sets.

But Hampton couldn’t let his curiosity in coding go. He sat in on a few TrueCoders night classes, just to try and wrap his head around what coding even was. He wasn't expecting much, but to his surprise, the level of knowledge and dedication he sensed from the TrueCoders instructors convinced him that it was a direction he wanted to pursue.

Hampton decided to give coding his best shot and dove into learning all about the world of coding.

But learning how to swim sometimes takes some splashing around.

Hampton collided with a wave of information on a subject he never thought he’d interact with. To make it through, he essentially had to treat his TrueCoders class schedule like a new job, dedicating all of his attention to his studies.

The amount of new information worried Hampton at first. He was in a class of twenty, and had one teacher.

“The teachers at TrueCoders are fantastic,” Hampton said. “Even though it’s online, they make time for any and all questions.” Hampton also added that whenever he couldn’t get his teacher’s attention right away, a skilled teaching assistant was always there to fill in the gaps. On top of this, the TrueCoders special sauce of unlimited one-on-one tutoring sessions outside of class ensured Hampton received all the help he needed.

All of these different sources of information also gave Hampton a melting pot of ideas and methods for tackling the same coding problems. Through effort and study, he molded all of these differing viewpoints into his very own system of coding.

When you teach, you learn twice.

In fact, Hampton became so proficient, thanks to the TrueCoders teachers, that Hampton became a TrueCoders teaching assistant, helping others through the coding process, while continuing to hone his own skills.

By the end of his journey, Hampton transitioned from someone confused and intimidated by the world of coding, into a skilled individual who felt powerful and equipped, ready to take on this completely new field, as well as start a completely new chapter of his life.

Hampton has leveraged his experience both learning and teaching at TrueCoders as he starts a new position at Medallia as a software analyst.

“I started with no coding knowledge and changed my life in a little over a year.” Hampton said. “I believe anyone can do the same if they put in the effort.”

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